Sunday, February 10, 2019

On our way

Greetings from Houston, where I just figured out that unless I can sleep on the plane or in the hotel room in the afternoon, I will probably have a total of 10 hours of sleep between Sunday night and Friday night. I will be very cranky, I'm sure.

So, our alarm woke us up at 4 as expected (something by Renaissance on Glen's IPAD) and quickly did our morning stuff in time to hit the 4:50 shuttle to the airport. We arrived around 5:05, checked our bags and were through security by 5:15. We have TSA precheck, but even the regular lines were pretty short at that time. Note that apparently the TSA has some sort of contract thing at SFO, so they are actually getting paid.

There is absolutely nothing of interest to report on the flight, other than the very strange breakfast choices - some sort of chilled oatmeal thingie, and an egg white panini, which we selected - a panini roll with some sort of egg white thing, I think it had cheese from the texture. I ate some of the egg out of it, but it was odd.

After breakfast, I watched a movie (Chappaquidic) on personal device entertainment and some recorded TV on my laptop.

The flight arrived roughly on time. Our plan was to leave the airport and have some good Cruise Critic friends (who we'd never met) pick us up, and we'd go to lunch.

I spoke to our friend and she was about 15 minutes out when we reached the passenger pick up point. So we hung out, they showed up, and we drove out of the airport area to a BBQ place called Rudys. They sell everything a-la-cart, so Glen and I split 1/2 pound of brisket, with bread, and each a couple sides. We then had an enjoyable meal before heading back to the airport via a Walgreens, since last night I realized I wasn't sure if I had enough contact lens solution for 17 days.

The International Business lounge (Polaris) is in terminal E, but we missed the lane for that, so we just had her drop us at terminal C, which is in the same physical building as E. On the way out, I'd checked with the United Club that one could walk from the lounge back to C, since that's where our gate was. Since she said it was possible, we decided to go through security at C.

It was very fast for the TSA precheck line - I'd say about 5 minutes and then a 15 hike through C to the middle of E.

We arrived here at about 4pm, and I grabbed some juice and have been working on email, as well as stuff for the roll call for the cruise. We did chat with another passenger on his way to Frankfort, and apparently he's booked on the Apex. We gave him some tips from our brief experience on the Edge.

Now we'll get a snack at the restaurant in a little while and then board the plane.

By the way, the cruise is on Sunday. We'll be doing some sight seeing - a steak dinner on Thursday at a Secret Steakhouse, city tour & tango show on Friday, Pampas visit and roll call dinner on Saturday.

Bucket List trip of a lifetime part 2


Because we do get wifi, and I love live from threads, I'm going to do another one. So far, 100% on X, although I've yet to stay live, I have always finished.

So here goes another one.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) at oh dark thirty, we are heading to Houston with a 9 hour layover and then onto Buenos Aires.

First, a bit about me. I'm a very experienced Princess cruiser, who tried Celebrity for the first time in 2017. My first Celebrity cruise was an Eastern Caribbean with my sister, followed a month later with an eastern Med on the Reflection with my husband, who will henceforth be known as Glen, because that's his name. In July of 18, my sister and I did Western Caribbean. So this is my fourth X cruise, and first time on the Eclipse.

We booked this while on the Reflection. We'd done the Antarctica drive by in 2010 on the Star Princess, and loved it, so we thought it would be fun to do again. So we booked on board.

About a year earlier, we'd interested some friends in cruising, and had done a coastal cruise with them earlier that year. We thought it would be fun to have company so we convinced them to join us. They will be known as Mike & Kathy (and if they want they can add their thoughts here too, since they are both members of Cruise Critic).

So the plan was that we would go to an airport hotel tonight, Tuesday, because nobody was willing to drive us up here (we live about 25 miles south) at 4:00 am. So here we are in our room, getting ready for what will amount to a power nap before our 4 am wake up call. We're a little concerned about TSA times, but so far things seem OK.

Mike & Kathy are flying non stop from LAX to EZE, and we will meet them in the hotel there. We're in Business class, and I was hoping to see the new Polaris Lounge in SFO but apparently not this time, as we board 5 minutes after they open. We will see the new one Houston tomorrow.

More tomorrow, when I have lots of time.